Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) - Sözal's top priority is the safety and well-being of its employees. By creating a safe and healthy work environment, Sözal aims to minimize any potential losses. In line with this objective, Sözal:
- Takes all necessary precautions to prevent injuries and health impairments.
- Continuously improves OHS management and performance.
- Adheres to at least the applicable legal OHS regulations and other requirements of affiliated organizations.
- Ensures that all activities related to OHS are conducted in accordance with established policies and ensures their continuity.
- Conducts necessary communications, training, and awareness programs to ensure that all employees are aware of their individual OHS responsibilities.
- Ensures that information regarding OHS matters is accessible and appropriate for relevant stakeholders.
- Regularly reviews its OHS policy to ensure its suitability and appropriateness for employees.
- Protects its employees and other individuals who may be affected by its activities from work-related injuries and illnesses.
- Controls and continuously monitors hazards from the initial stages and implements necessary measures to prevent harm to employees, others, and property.
- Implements all possible safeguards during the implementation phase to prevent harm to life, property, and assets.