Textile Dyes
Textile Chemicals
Sözal Chemical Sözal Chemical Industry and Trade Inc.

Sözal Chemical Industrial and Trade Inc. was founded by Eren Sözal in 2007 with a 150 m² team of 5 people in a textile chemicals and dyes sales office (Intam) in Bursa.
In 2009, it realized the formation of a 3000m² building in Kestel Organized Industrial Zone, which served as a warehouse and laboratory. In 2013, the company moved to a new facility in the same industrial zone, with 8500m² of indoor space and 3000m² of outdoor area. In 2016, a new investment of 35,000m² was made in the Karacabey location.

Sözal Chemical provides services throughout Turkey with a wide range of products, including textile chemicals, dyestuffs, and masterbatch. It continues its partnership with Colourtex, one of the global leaders in textile dyes. The challenging journey we started years ago continues to develop day by day, with more employees and stakeholders involved.
High R&D Capability
Companies operating in the sector allocate a certain portion of their turnover for R&D activities. In order to enhance our competitive power, our 14-member R&D team extensively researches all resources, develops products in this field, and commercializes these products. Detailed Information...